For this assignment I was tasked with initial concept ideation under the Art Direction of Michael Malowanczyk along with the Creative Direction of Casey Ryder. I helped render proof of concept backdrops and product renderings for key art. In addition I was tasked with designing the visual look of the interior of their pop-up store for their Japan release of the Beats X and beats Pill. For the event, I worked with CD Casey to create 3d renders for the interior space.
For initial concept ideation, Michael Malowanczyk helped art direct me on the style and tone of the product photography in 3d. We also worked to find uses of projection on the background and how it would be applied to the artists. We tested several renders with different layouts and lighting arrangements. We also created some initial key art examples to illustrate how camouflage and music merge together.
Once we finished the initial development for lighting and mood, we then needed to establish the mood for artists and athletes to live next to the product. Below are several initial concepts that didn't make the cut but helped us visualize different approaches to how we can utilize the projected brand camouflage and also potentially integrate some brand identity.
CD Casey Ryder helped direct me on the style and direction of the interior. With his creative direction I created 3d visualizations of what the space could be like when it is populated with the branded Undefeated camouflage and product displays.